Rebels Helping Rebels
Rebels Helping Rebels is a grace fund that helps financially support Vestavia Hills students in kindergarten - 12th grade. The fund is primarily paying school-related fees for various activities. The goal of Rebels Helping Rebels is to ensure that cost is not a reason why a student does not participate in a school activity or has the supplies he or she needs to be successful.
Please note that priority will be designated to the essential costs required for students to participate in an activity. Non-essential costs (i.e. elective trips) will be considered but will not be given priority. Additionally, students receiving assistance are expected to participate in fundraising activities offered by the school group or team.
Make an anonymous request for support.
Make a donation to Rebels Helping Rebels.
Give to VHCS Arts Education
Donations will be used to fund facility and material needs. To learn more about our priorities or would like your donations to go to a specific program contact Faith Lenhart at
Neighborhood Bridges
Neighborhood Bridges strives to provide a gateway for kindness by connecting communities with schools to help children and families in need. Requests are not limited to school needs or school activities. School counselors post needs anonymously on the website. Community members are alerted about the needs through email and social media Donations are delivered directly to the school or by a volunteer.
Follow Neighborhood Bridges on Facebook.
Contact your school’s counselor to make a request for support.