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Vestavia Hills City Schools

Learning Without Limits

Brand Guidelines & Licensing

What Is a Brand Identity?

A brand identity is the visual representation of a business or organization. It is a way to set these entities apart from one another and to build support for the products and services they offer.

Some of the world’s largest companies are instantly recognizable by their logos. The design, colors, and typefaces they use help to build a perception of the company’s mission and core values. These companies make their branding highly visible so that customers are reminded of where they do business and who they support.

Vestavia Hills City Schools has an established brand identity and the policies and procedures in place to protect it. Our school system is nationally known for academics, athletics, and philanthropy and is followed closely by other school districts, media outlets, and organizations across the United States. The VHCS brand represents more than just the schools, however; it represents the tens of thousands of students, alumni, employees, residents, and community members who are a part of the school system’s legacy.

The following standards are the brand authority for Vestavia Hills City Schools; and all VHCS stakeholders, internally and externally, are expected to operate in accordance with these standards.

The names, logos, and other brand collateral associated with each of the Board facilities are the property of of the Board and protected under applicable state, federal, and/or common law trademark.

Trademarks and Licensing

The Vestavia Hills Board of Education has registered trademarks for its brand identity. Registered trademarks include the Institutional Mark and VH Block Mark, the 1REBEL Mark, the Old English V, the “Rebels” Script Mark; and the word phrases “Vestavia Rebels” and  “Vestavia Hills Rebels.” In addition, the names, logos, and other related brand materials in use by each VHCS school are protected under common law trademark standards and Board of Education policy. Any items that incorporate any of these trademarks must adhere to trademark law and the VHCS Brand and Identity Guide.

Businesses, community partners, civic groups, and individuals who wish to create, market, and/or sell items bearing any of the registered trademarks of Vestavia Hills City Schools must first enter into a licensing agreement with the Board of Education. The licensing process ensures that all vendors are working in partnership with, and in support of, Vestavia Hills City Schools and its mission. Licensed vendors must adhere to all guidelines in the Brand and Identity Guide and may be required to submit designs to VHCS for review before production. Items that do not adhere to the VHCS Brand Guide may not be produced, sold, or displayed in any form.

To learn more about the licensing process and see a list of officially licensed VHCS vendors, please see the list below, or contact the Office of Public Relations at (205) 402-5144.

Officially Licensed Vendors

The businesses listed below are officially licensed vendors of Vestavia Hills City Schools trademarked apparel and merchandise and are shown in alphabetical order. Only those who are officially licensed through VHCS may produce and sell items bearing our logos. If you or your business are interested in becoming officially licensed vendors, please contact the VHCS Office of Public Relations.

Birmingham Business Forms
Phone: 205-967-5505

Tana Bernal
Contact information coming soon