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Vestavia Hills City Schools

Learning Without Limits

Student Support Services Home

Student Support Services

Student Support Services support a number of programs in our schools designed to help students and families.  Programs include:

  • Parent education and support
  • Federal Programs
  • School Health/Nursing
  • Homeless resources
  • Guidance and Counseling at all schools
  • Prevention and Intervention programs

The Student Services Department works collaboratively with schools, families, students, and community partners to support behavioral and academic success for every child while promoting a safe and nurturing learning environment.

  • In 2016, the Alabama legislature passed Erin’s Law with the intent of increasing awareness of child sexual abuse. Erin’s Law was named in honor of Erin Merryn who advocated for this law to educate and empower children to recognize and report sexual abuse. Erin’s Law requires training for all school faculty and staff and requires all schools to implement an age-appropriate sexual abuse prevention curriculum. 

    Vestavia Hills City Schools counselors will present the Erin’s Law lessons this spring to students in 2nd, 4th, and 7th grades as well as in Health classes at Vestavia Hills High School. This curriculum will provide students with knowledge and skills to use if ever affected by sexual abuse. The presentations teach students to develop a plan of what to do if they ever find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. Students will participate in these lessons in their classrooms with their teachers. The presentation for middle and high school students focuses on empowering teenagers to recognize sexually abusive relationships and ways to get help if needed. Topics such as healthy boundaries and limits, personal safety, bullying, and internet safety are also discussed with students in 7th grade and in the high school Health classes.

    All students in 2nd, 4th, and 7th grades and in VHHS Health classes will participate in the Erin’s Law prevention lessons, unless you choose for your student to NOT participate. If you do NOT wish for your student to participate in the prevention lessons, an opt-out form will be made available to you in the spring.

    If you have any questions about Erin’s Law or wish to review the curriculum, please contact your school counselor or administrator, or contact VHCS Director of Student Services Jennifer Bailey at 205-402-5100.

  • It is the policy of the Vestavia Hills Board of Education to provide all students, including language minority students, migrant students, and homeless students, with meaningful and appropriate educational programs allowing all students the same benefits and rights of participation regardless of race, color, disability, sex, religion, national origin, or age. The enrollment of homeless, migrant and limited English proficient children and youth shall not be denied or delayed due to any of the following barriers:

    • Lack of birth certificate
    • Lack of school records or transcripts
    • Lack of immunization or health records
    • Lack of proof of residency
    • Lack of transportation
    • Guardianship or custody requirements

    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act defines a homeless individual as one who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.

    If your family lives in any of the following situations, you may be considered homeless:

    • In a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground
    • On the street
    • In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations
    • Doubled up with friends or relatives because you cannot find or afford housing

    If your child is considered eligible for the homeless program, he/she has the right to:

    • Access to the same public education as other children
    • Continue in the school they attended before becoming homeless, if feasible. 
    • Participate in all programs and activities with students that are not homeless.
    • Enroll immediately in school. The school will work with parents to obtain necessary records.

    Services are provided to students that qualify for the homeless program. Services include, but are not limited to:

    • Tutoring through programs provided by the school’s PST (Problem Solving Team)
    • School supplies
    • Payment of class fees/dues
    • Payment of field trips
    • Personal hygiene items
    • Free school lunch
    • Counseling for issues related to domestic violence
    • Vestavia Hills Backpack Program

    To find out if your child qualifies for services, please call Dr. Aimee Rainey 205-402-5100.

    VHCS Homeless Enrollment Dispute Form

  • Annalyn's Law (March 2018) is named after child victim, Annalyn Cook, who was sexually abused by a juvenile offender in Alabama. 

    The law states that juvenile sex offenders must submit an application to all school property and school functions and must meet with school personnel to create and implement an individualized safety plan. 

    Schools are required to share information and monitor the student(s) through school enrollment and school personnel changes. Officials will offer training to school personnel on how to take appropriate action when an increase or escalation of certain triggering behavior is noticed. 

    Members of the advisory committee developing the policy include the state's Law Enforcement Agency, the Alabama Department of Education, Department of Human Resources, the Governor's Office, the Alabama Coalition Against Rape, the Attorney General's Office, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

    Read the adopted text of Annalyn's Law on the Alabama State Department of Education website (PDF viewer required).