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Vestavia Hills City Schools

Learning Without Limits

Arts Achievement Seal

The Vestavia Hills High School Arts Achievement Seal

Recognizes students for their dedication to the Arts. Students taking Art courses at Vestavia Hills High School have the opportunity to earn one of the following seals:

  • Minimum 3 credits (6 semesters) of any Arts Education courses with 2 of those credits (4 semesters) in the same arts discipline.
  • Vestavia Hills High School Arts Achievement Seal with Concentration (Band, Choir, Dance, Theatre, Visual Art) Minimum 3 credits (6 semesters) in the same Arts discipline.

Students must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum 3 credits in an Arts Education course
  • Maintain a “B” or better average in all Arts Education courses


The application $30 fee includes a certificate and a medal that can be worn at graduation.  Application and payment is due January 26th.

A black and white logo with a star in the center, surrounded by a laurel wreath and the text 'VHHS ARTS ACHIEVEMENT'.